Health Tips for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a time when a lot of important changes happen in your body at every level. Added to this is the fact that your growing baby is dependent on you for nutrition in order to grow and develop properly. If you feel worried about your health or feel any major discomfort, you must consult the top gynecologist doctors in India. But if you are just stressed about how to proceed, here are some basic tips on how to maintain general health:


You may have heard the statement that you are eating not for yourself but for you and your child, and so you need to increase the portions of your meals by 1/3rd. This is not just restricted to the amount of food but the quality as well. You must ensure that you are eating enough iron, calcium, vitamins and minerals, proteins and not just carbohydrates and sugars in the name of calories. You may be required to take folic acid supplements as well.


Cravings are unexpected and extreme desires for certain kinds of food during pregnancy. While the reason is difficult to pin point, it is alright to give in to these cravings once in a while as long as the food you crave can be eaten without harming your health. For example, avoid cravings for food that may contain alcohol. If your cravings are for sugary, fatty foods, eat it in small portions and supplement it with a diet that has the essentials. Substitute these sweets with fruits, and the crunchy food with salads.

Oral health

Periodontal disease in pregnant women has been linked to premature or low-weight births. It is important to take care of your teeth by brushing twice a day with a soft toothbrush, using a fluoride toothpaste, and flossing. Visit the dentist to ensure that your gums and teeth are healthy and mention that you are pregnant so that they prescribe medication accordingly.


While research is mostly inconclusive on the effects of caffeine on birth defects, and states that or affects your ability to get pregnant, it is better to limit or restrict your caffeine intake to 300 mg a day. You can go for decaffeinated varieties. Avoid energy drinks, as they also contain caffeine, and sugar which may cause a different set of problems. Be careful while taking flu or cold medicines as some of them may also contain small amounts of caffeine. Ask your doctor for advice on the same.

These months may be a tumultuous time but keep communication open with your special maternity hospital to clear any personal questions or anxieties because each individual has specific problems and no one rule can be applied to all even in this case. 


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