4 Tips for Liver Care You Must Know
The liver plays a significant role in maintaining the proper functioning of the body. Located on the right side of the belly, this large meaty organ makes proteins essential for blood clotting and various other functions. Further, it detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. Hence, avoiding any liver disease is paramount. Mentioned below are a few tips to prevent diseases:
Keep A Check On Alcohol Intake
Too much alcohol is bad for the body. There is only a limited amount the liver can process in a certain period of time. When the amount of intake goes beyond that, the liver cells get damaged which often result in inflammation and scarring. This may lead to various liver diseases and people should strict about how much they drink.
Experts suggest the standard drink should be one ordinary beer,one small glass of wine ora small shot of whiskey every day.
Exercising Regularly And An Active Lifestyle Matters
According to the best hospitals for liver care in Hyderabad and other cities, regular exercising is the best way to keep the liver healthy. It helps to decrease stress, increase body energy and prevent obesity. Obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for liver diseases across the world. Experts reckon, 150 minutes of exercise including brisk walking or swimming per week is sufficient.
A Balanced And Healthy Diet Is Good For The Liver
The two main causes of liver diseases across the world are high levels of fat in the blood (hyperlipidaemia) and high levels of cholesterol (hypercholesterolaemia). One needs to reduce the intake of saturated fats, transfats and hydrogenated fats. To ensure low consumption of saturated fats, avoid deep fried foods, red meats and dairy products. Also, it is important to avoid Trans and hydrogenated that are found in processed foods. When there is excess dietary fat stored, it will eventually lead to a fatty liver disease.
Ensure to add more high-fibre foods in the diet like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. In order to consume proteins, fish, white meat, beans and nuts are a good choice.
Control Body Weight
In case of obesity in the abdominal or central obesity, the chances of developing a fatty liver disease are very high. A balanced diet and regular exercise help to keep the weight under control and prevent the formation of fat in the body.
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