How to Strengthen Your Heart: Here are 5 Easy Tips

It goes without saying that your heart is the key organ of your body and just like any other body part, it requires good care. Responsible for circulating life-sustaining nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, it also helps eliminate wastes. Without a doubt, the base of a strong body lies in a strong heart. To attain the same, adopting a healthy lifestyle is extremely important. Here are the best strategies to keep your heart healthy:  

Eat Right

Ditch sodium for potassium as the former is believed to double up the chances of deaths from heart disease. For an improved heart rhythm and lowered inflammation, fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids is a great source. Heart-healthy foods such as avocados must also be made a part of your regular diet plan. It is also recommended to use heart-healthy oils for cooking.

Drop the Pressure

Elevated blood pressure is associated with strained heart muscles, resulting in thickened and enlarged heart walls. As a result, your heart function is impaired. It is recommended to load up on beetroot which dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow, nitric oxide and lowers blood pressure. Smoking must also be given up to keep your body toxic free.  

Stay Active

Physical activity is the best thing you can do to strengthen your heart. Sedentary lifestyle must be avoided and replaced with exercises such as yoga, biking, walking, hiking, and gardening. Aerobic exercises and strength training also go a long way in normalizing your heart rate, lowering blood pressure and strengthening the heart muscles. Remember, the more you exercise the better it is for your heart.    

Sleep Adequate

Quality sleep is extremely important for a healthy heart. Studies have found that the probability of high blood pressure and cardiac arrest is more in people getting less than 6 hours of sleep. Adopt the habit of sleeping early and getting up before sunrise which even our ancestors swear by. Consult a heart specialist if you face any issues related to the heart, restricting you from a good night’s sleep. 

Shed Excess Weight

Excess weight can wreak havoc on your body leading to weakened heart muscles. The probability of acquiring heart-related issues also gets doubled up if you are obese, which is why you must manage your weight. Maintaining a healthy diet and acquiring a healthy lifestyle are a must to keep your heart in good health. This shall also enhance your sense of well-being and give you greater control over your body.     
Making changes like these require time and effort but they are all worth in the long run.           


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